Page 8 - Good News April 2020 paper
P. 8

BLADSY 8                            GOEIE NUUS/GOOD NEWS                             TEL. (018) 293 1996                               APRIL 2020

                  y  business  career  has  stretching,  the  wood  will  never  ring. If we can stand the strain of
                  been as an owner of an  go back to its original state. It is  this  intense  process,  we  will
          Madvertising agency.                 permanently changed! The piano  come forth as gold… as a sweet
                                               is becoming a fine-tuned instru-      smelling offering to our Maker!
          Over  the  years,  I  have  had  the  ment.
          privilege  to  work  on  many                                              When we are in the midst of these
          different  and  prestigious  After  this  process  has  taken  times, it feels like fire! It is painful
          accounts.  One  of  these  place,  the  next  step  requires  to  be  stretched  beyond  our
          accounts was Steinway Pianos,  another point of stress. It takes  perceived  limits,  but  the  Lord
          the maker of the world's finest  11 tonnes of pressure on a piano  knows this is necessary for us to
          pianos. Each piano has always  to  tune  it.  Each  step  in  the  become an instru-
          been made from scratch; it takes  process moves the piano closer  ment that can play
          over a year to make one Stein-       to  a  finished  product  that  will  a  beautiful  song
          way!                                 ultimately  be  played  by  the  that  others  will
                                               world's finest musicians. These  seek after.
          The most impressive scene as I  musicians  desire  a  particular
          toured the manufacturing plant  sound that only a piano like this  Let  the  Master
          was the place where the sound-       can make.                             Craftsman  have
          board  is  stretched  to  its  maxi-                                       His way in your life
          mum  tolerance  and  allowed  to  God looks at each of us as a fine-       today! You will be
          sit for an extended period until it  tuned  instrument.  However,  we  pleased  with  the
          remains  in  the  curved  design.  begin  as  rough  wood  that  He  instrument  He
          This was done in an off-to-the-      desires  to  transform  into  gold.  fashions…
          corner  part  of  the  plant.  If  the  Tuning us requires certain expe-
          wood  had  been  alive,  it  would  riences that will stretch our faith,  [Os Hiliman
          surely be crying out for mercy!  our  frame,  and  our  very  life!  Dunamis
          After  an  extended  time  of  Sainthood springs out of suffe-             Nov./Dec. 2002].
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