Page 5 - Good News April 2020 paper
P. 5

APRIL 2020                           GOEIE NUUS/GOOD NEWS                              TEL. (018) 293 1996                               BLADSY 5

                hristians around the world     humanity, He made prayer His highest priority. This
                agree that prayer is essen-    gave  God  the  Father  complete  freedom  to  work
          Ctial to see God move on our         unhindered through Him.
          behalf,  win  the  lost  world  to
          Christ, and build God’s Kingdom.     The  Gospel  of  Luke  points  out  that  Jesus  was  in
                                               prayer when the Holy Spirit descended on Him. He
          Yet,  studies  show  that  pastors   prayed  and  fasted  40  days  before  starting  His
          spend about 12 minutes in prayer     ministry. He   prayed all night before He chose His
          a  day,  and  the  average  believer   disciples. He  prayed before He faced each busy day
          spends  only  8  minutes.  At  the   of ministry. He  prayed before He fed the 5 000. He
          same  time,  they  don’t  mind  prayed before He raised Lazarus from the dead. He
          engaging  at  length  in  other  was in     prayer when He was transfigured, and He still
          Christian activities, such as Bible   prayed when He was hanging on the cross.
          studies, concerts, retreats, evan-
          gelism, and charity work.            Jesus’ prayer life was so powerful that His disciples
                                               asked Him to teach them to pray like Him - and He
          Why does prayer come last on our     did. If Jesus, Who is our Example, and the apostles
          list of priorities?  Could it be that   after  Him,  found  it  necessary  to  spend  hours  in
          the  enemy  succeeded  to  prayer, what about us? Why do we pray so little even
          convince us that all those other     after studying the New Testament, reading books on      only returning when someone says “Amen.”
          activities are easier and produce    prayer and attending conferences on prayer?             + We pray and get discouraged if there is a lack of
          better  results  than  prayer?  The                                                          excitement and absence of “spiritual” feelings.
          truth  is  the  devil  knows  the    I believe it is because we don’t realize that we are    + We pray and neglect to exercise faith, which is the
          Almighty God restricted Himself      engaged in a real war where the enemy is shooting       very thing that enables God to do the impossible.
          to  act  on  the  prayers  of  His   deadly bullets with the intent to kill us and destroy
          people.                              the work of God. Therefore, we react with physical      So what should we do to overcome the tactics of the
                                               activities and human wisdom to the unseen spiritual     devil and succeed in becoming Christians whose
          Just  consider  Scriptures  like  battle instead of using the weapons of warfare God         prayers will change this world?  This is how we need
          these ones:                          gave us and the power of prayer to defeat the enemy.    to respond:
          + “If My people who are called by                                                            +  When  we  have  difficulties  seeing  beyond  the
          My Name will humble themselves,      The devil is happy with our ignorance and tries his     physical world, we must believe God’s Word that we
          and pray and seek My Face, and       best to make prayer look unattractive and futile. All   are in warfare.
          turn from their wicked ways, then    the while God tells us, “Be strong in the Lord and in   + When we don’t feel like praying, we must exercise
          I will hear from heaven, and will    the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of      discipline and pray anyway.
          forgive  their  sin  and  heal  their   God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles   + Whenever our minds wander off, we must take our
          land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).           of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and   thoughts captive and continue praying.
          +  “And  whatever  you  ask  in  My   blood,  but  against  principalities,  against  powers,   + If everything in us wants to substitute activity for
          Name,  that  I  will  do,  that  the   against  the  rulers  of  the  darkness  of  this  age,   prayer,  we  must  decide  to  follow  Jesus’  example
          Father  may  be  glorified  in  the   against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heaven-   and keep praying.
          Son.  If  you  ask  anything  in  My   ly places” (Ephesians 6:10-12).                       + When we pray and don’t see the answer right away,
          Name, I will do it” (John 14:13-14).                                                         we must exercise faith and patience until we receive
                                               Once we, as Christians, start engaging in serious       what God promised in His Word.
          Since  our  prayers  will  activate   prayer,  the  enemy’s  strategy  is  to  hinder  us  from
          heaven, the devil does all he can    praying effectively.                                    My dear friend, for you to learn how to pray, you
          to  prevent  us  from  praying  and   Here are some of his favourite tactics:                most probably don’t need more books and expert
          seeing God’s promises fulfilled.     + When praying with others, we pray for two minutes     teachings  on  prayer.  What  you  need  is  practise.
          When Jesus, the Son of God, took     and suddenly our minds wander off to other things,      JUST DO IT!

              Kanselleer P
              Kanselleer Paasfees???aasfees???

                en na die ander bly hulle in   Olimpiese Spele waarvoor hulle 'n     van die toekoms in die hande van     Niemand kan Paasfees kanselleer
                die slag. Die reuse van die    leeftyd lank geoefen het. Dat nie-    'n komitee of 'n paar mense lê nie.   nie!  En  hierin  lê  ons  troos.
          Esportwêreld,  die  baker-           mand  op  'n  podium  gaan  staan                                          Ongeag  wat  die  nuus  berig,  wat
          matte van ons kulturele landskap.    terwyl 'n goue medalje om sy nek      Ons mag dalk nie vir die volgende    statistieke  voorspel,  onseker-
          Die  KKNK.  Die  Two  Oceans.  gehang  en  sy  land  se  volkslied         paar maande juig oor iemand wat      heid oor wanneer ons weer werk
          Formule 1-wedrenne. Wimbledon        gespeel word nie.                     oor  'n  wenstreep  bars  of  'n  toe en skool toe sal kan gaan, die
          en  die  Olimpiese  Spele  het                                             gunsteling rugbyspan wat 'n drie     vrees  vir  siek   word,  staan  die
          probeer  vasbyt.  Gebid  vir  'n  En oral rondom ons word meer en          druk nie, maar ons het beslis rede   volgende waarheid vas:   Paasfees
          wonderwerk.  Maar  selfs  daardie    meer geleenthede   gekanselleer.      om te juig! Die gebeure rondom       kom! Tyd om ons te herinner dat
          wêreldgeleenthede  is  nou  uitge-   Kerkdienste,  Konserte,  Fonds-       Jesus se kruisiging is nie afhank-   Jesus  se  offer  aan  die  kruis  vir
          stel  of  selfs  afgestel.  Jare  se   insamelings, Troues. Begrafnisse    lik  van  'n  klein  virusmolekule  of   ons verlossing bewerkstellig het!
          beplanning,  maande  se  werk  en    word skielik beperk tot 'n handjie-   besluite van wêreldleiers nie. Die   En dat geen aardse siekte dit van
          kluise  vol  geld.  Maar  meer  nog,   vol mense. Mense het allergies vir   Grootste  Leier  het  hierdie  ons kan wegneem nie.
         duisende  mense  se  drome  is        mekaar  geword.  'n  Gesonde  gebeure van Jesus se offergawe
         verpletter.                           fisiese afstand moet gehandhaaf       al  lank  voor  die  mensdom  se     In hierdie lig verander die manier
                                               word.                                 koms beplan.                         waarop ons dink oor wenners wat
         Vir  die  eerste  keer  sedert  die                                                                              trots  op  'n  podium  staan.  Die
         Tweede Wêreldoorlog sal daar nie      Maar  in  die  lig  van  al  hierdie   Vir meer as tweeduisend jaar kon    grootste  wenners  is  dan  skielik
         aarbeie  en  room  op  Wimbledon      ongekende veranderinge en selfs       geen  wêreldgebeurtenis  nog  nie  meer  die  topatlete  by  die
         bedien  word  nie.  Dit  is  hoogs    verwarring in ons lewens, is daar     Paastyd  ontwrig  nie.  En  ons      Olimpiese Spele nie, maar ek en
         waarskynlik  dat  nie  een  van  die   een  sekerheid  wat  vasstaan:  geestelike ervaring daarvan is nie        jy! Want ons ontvang méér as 'n
         Williams-susters  of  Roger  NIEMAND  KAN  PAASFEES  verbind aan 'n kerkdiens op Goeie                           goue  medalje.  Ons  ontvang  die
         Federer  dan  ooit  weer  daar  sal   KANSELLEER NIE!      Niemand kan      Vrydag nie. Ons intens persoon-      prys  wat  die  kruis  bring.  Ons
         speel nie. Dat baie atlete volgende   die gebeure op Golgota verklein       like  ervaring  van  Paastyd  word   ontvang die EWIGE LEWE!
         jaar  te  oud  gaan  wees  vir  die   tot 'n wêreldse gebeurtenis waar-     nou  op  die  voorgrond  geplaas.    - Carolina Botha
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