Page 3 - Good News April 2020 paper
P. 3

APRIL 2020                           GOEIE NUUS/GOOD NEWS                              TEL. (018) 293 1996                               BLADSY 3

             n  utter  despondency,  his       much pain? Remember Job. Is anything so harsh
             aching  heart  throbbing  with    really called for? Think of Paul's suffering. God is
          Ipain  even  worse  than  his        always at work in the lives of His servants for His
          blistered  feet,  chained  and       Kingdom is at stake and Kingdom business requires
          naked,  Joseph  plodded  on.         the highest quality that God could possibly wrest
          Utterly silenced in the face of his   from the life of a man.
          brothers'  ruthless  betrayal,  his
          head so low that his tears dripped   Chained,  imprisoned  in  Rome,  shortly  before  his
          onto his dust-covered feet. Could    execution, Paul writes to Timothy, "I am suffering
          life become any worse than this?     and  have  been  chained  like  a  criminal.  BUT  THE
          And  we  who  know  the  truth,      WORD OF GOD CANNOT BE CHAINED" (2 Timothy
          silently nod. The worst is yet to    2:9). In spite of circumstances, God's Word cannot
          come…                                ever be locked down or enchained. It will continue to
                                               do  what  God  has  ordained  it  to  do  and  fulfil  His
          BUT  GOD  -  how  I  love  those     divine purpose.
          words!  BUT  GOD  was  at  work
          behind  the  scenes,  His  Hand      In whatever circumstances of trouble you may find       to cry out to God to fulfil His precious purposes for
          upon  His  chosen  one  for  His     yourself, cry out to Him! The words of Psalm 107 is     your  life.  "We  give  great  honour  to  those  who
          purpose  way  down  the  road  of    helpful. “Even when fools cry out to God, He steps      endure under suffering. You know about Job, a man
          history.  Strength  of  heart  and   in. 'LORD, help!' they cried in their trouble, and He   of great endurance. You can see how the Lord was
          mind would be required, so God       saved them from their distress. He sent out His Word    kind  to  him  at  the  end,  for  the  Lord  is  full  of
          was  testing  Joseph's  mettle.      and healed them, snatching them from the door of        tenderness  and  mercy"  (James  5:11).  After  the
          Strength of character and moral      death. Let them praise the LORD for His great love      testing  comes  the  lovingkindness  and  tender
          fibre  would  be  needed.  So  God   and for the wonderful things He has done for them"      mercies  of  the  Lord.  Wait  patiently  for  the  last
          cast  His  precious  gold  into  the   (verses 19-21). "Those who are wise will take all this   chapter before you make any pronouncements on
          crucible  for  the  purity  needed   to heart; they will see in our history the faithful love   the present story. God is still at work.  Strengthen
          further down the road.               of the Lord" (verse 43).                                your heart with that thought, will you?

          Could any good come out of so        Whatever your situation, now or in future, remember     - Helen du Plessis 083 332 0895

            (Het jy vrede in jou hart? / Do you have peace in your heart?)

                     DITEMANA                  ga bolaiwa batho ba bantsi. Mme       ke tsamaya mo mogorogorong wa
          Morena ke modisa wa me               ke sa ntlha mo maphelong a batho      moriti wa loso, ga nkitla ke boifa
          Pesalome ya ga Dafita. Morena ke     ba bantsi go bona motlholo e re e     bosula bope; gonne o na le nna.
          modisa wa me, ga nkitla ke tlhoka    bonang  ka  ngwaga  o  wa  2020.      Tsamma ya gago le seikokotlelo
          sepe.                                Malwetsi a mangwe a ne a tla mme      sa  gago  di  a  nkgomotsa.”  A
          O  mpothisa  mo  mafulong  a         a feta fela gape mme bolwetse jo      Corona  e  ya  bolwetse  e  go
          matalana,  o  nkgogela  kwa          bo  re  lebisa  loso  ka  matlho.  Ke   tshwere  kgotsa  ga  e  a  go
          metsing a tapoloso.                  bolwetse  jo  bo  sa  tlhopheng       tshwara?  Ga  go  na  ope  yo  a  ka
          O  lapolosa  mowa  wa  me;  o        mmala, morafe, puo le setšhaba.       reng  e  ka  se  e  re  tshware.  Go
          ntsamaisa  mo  ditseleng  tsa        Ga e tlhophe le dilemo tsa batho.     setse go tlhokofetse batho ba ba
          tshiamo  ka  ntlha  ya  leina  la    Go  tlhokafala  bana,  bagolo  le     diketekete. Ga go ope wa rona yo
          gagwe.                               batsofe.  Temana  e  re  e  buisang   a itseng gore a Corona e e ka nna    penologa.  Ruri  molemo  le
          Le  fa  ke  tsamaya  mo  mogoro-     mo Pesalomeng e ya ga Dafita ya       se se fedisang bophelo jwa gago      boitshwarelo  di  tla  ntshala
          gorong  wa  moriti  wa  loso,  ga    re: “Le fa ke tsamaya mo mogoro-      mo  lefatsheng.  Fa  o  dumela  mo   morago  ka  malatsi  otlhe  a
          nkitla  ke  boifa  bosula  bope;     gorong  wa  moriti  wa  loso,  ga     Modimong mo go Jesu Keresete o       bophelo  jwa  me;  ke  tla  nna  mo
         gonne  o  na  le  nna.  Tsamma  ya    nkitla  ke  boifa  bosula  bope;      ka  tshaba  mokgwa  wa  go  swa      Ntlong  ya  Morena  go  ya
         gago le seikokotlelo sa gago di a     gonne  o  na  le  nna.  Tsamma  ya    mme o ka dula o na le kagiso e       bosakhutleng.
         nkgomotsa.                            gago le seikokotlelo sa gago di a     kgolo.  O  ka  itse  gore  o  ya  kwa
         O baakanya bojelo fa pele ga me       nkgomotsa.” Letsatsi le letsatsi fa   legodimong  mme  o  amogela                      THAPELO
         go  lebagana  le  baba  ba  me;  o    o bua le batho o utlwa ka pele gore   bophelo jo bo sa khutleng. O sa      Ntate wa rona re kopa o re thusa
         ntlotsa  tlhogo  ka  lookwane;        go  na  le  batho  ba  bantsi  ba  ba   phela gone jaanong fa o buisa mo.   jaaka o re solofetsa mo Lefokong
         senwelo  sa  me  se  tletse,  se  a   tshabang go swa. Mo pesalomeng        O  tlile  go  swa  leng?  A  o  tlhoka   le la ga Dafita. Tsamaya le rona
         penologa.                             e Dafita a re: “Le fa ke tsamaya mo   kagiso  e  e  fetang  gotlhe  mo     mo mogorogorong wa moriti wa
         Ruri molemo le boitshwarelo di tla    mogorogorong wa moriti wa loso,       lefatsheng?  Tswala  matlho  o       loso. Re kopa o thuse batho ba ba
         ntshala morago ka malatsi otlhe a     ga  nkitla  ke  boifa  bosula  bope;   rapele  gore  o  amogela  Jesu  go   setseng  ba  bone  balosika  le
         bophelo  jwa  me;  ke  tla  nna  mo   gonne  o  na  le  nna.”  Fa  wena  o   nna Mopholosi wa gago. Se se ka     ditsala  ba  ba  tlhokofetseng.  Ba
         Ntlong  ya  Morena  go  ya  bosa-     boifa  ga  go  reye  gore  ga  o      dira  gore  o  tlelwe  ke  kagiso  e   gomotse  mme  o  ba  phimole
         khutleng.  Pesalome 23:1-6            modumedi. Go jalo motho mong-         kgolo  le  fa  o  tsamaya  mo  dikeledi. Thusa rona gore re dule
                                               we le mongwe a ka tshaba go swa       mogorogorong wa moriti wa loso       re  ipaakantse  mme  re  ipaa-
                    DIKAKANYO                  ka gore go swa gongwe go ka nna       la  Megare  ya  Corona.  Bua  le     kanyetse  le  bophelo  jo  bo  sa
         Leina le la Corona le setse le filwe   botlhoko. Megare e ya Corona e       balosika le baratiwa ba gagwe ka     khutleng.  Fetolang  dipelo  tsa
         dilo tse dintsi. Go kile gwa na le    tsamaisa  lefatshe  lotlhe  mo        ga se. Tlhomamisa gore le bone       batho ba ba ganang go sokologa
         sejanaga  sa  Corona  le  bene  ya    “mogorogorong  wa  moriti  wa         ba kgone go amogela kagiso e e       le  go  amogela  Jesu  go  nna
         Corona.  Bojalwa  jwa  Corona  le     loso.” Le fa re ka tshaba mokgwa      makatsang e. Goreng o santse o       Mopholosi wa bone. Nako ya rona
         bone bo teng mme se se tlileng ka     wa go swa ga re tshabe loso.          ka tshaba loso. Netefatsa kgaolo     mo lefatsheng ga re itse gore le
         mathata  ke  megare  ya  Corona.                                            ya  bofelo  mo  bophelong  jwa       tla  fela  leng  mme  re  baya
         Nako  e  re  leng  mo  go  yone  ke   Loso le fentswe ke Jesu fa a swa      gago.  Tsamma  ya  gago  le  maphelo a rona mo diatleng tsa
         nako e e thata mo lefatsheng. Go      mo  sefapaanong  mme  a  tsoga        seikokotlelo  sa  gago  di  a  nkgo-  gago. Re leboga fa o tsamaya le
         tle go nne le malwetsi a magolo       gape mo losong. Batho botlhe ba       motsa. O baakanya bojelo fa pele     rona mme o re gomotsa. AMEN.
         mo lefatsheng a a kileng a bolaya     ba  amogetseng  Jesu  go  nna         ga me go lebagana le baba ba me;     O ka reetsa pina e e monate ya
         batho ba bantsi.  Le dintwa di kile   mopholosi  wa  bone  ga  ka  bua      o  ntlotsa  tlhogo  ka  lookwane;    kagiso kwa
         tsa nna teng mo lefatsheng mme        mafoko a ga Dafita ka go re: Le fa    senwelo  sa  me  se  tletse,  se  a
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