Page 1 - Good News April 2020 paper
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suburban nursing home in      and the amazing fight she put up,     Hands and I knew He was with me
                 Kirkland,  Washington  Wood  says  it's  her  faith  that  is       and I made it through the night,"
          Amade  headlines  as  the            actually the most important part      Wood remembers.
          centre  of  the  country's  first  of the story.
          deadly  outbreak  of  COVID-19.                                            "Until you've felt God's Presence
          Since the first positive test at the   "If  it  hadn't  been  for  my  faith  in   and  His  Hands  on  you,  it's
          Life Care Centre on February 28,     God  and  my  family  and  their      something else. If it hadn't been
          the  virus  has  spread  to  nearly   prayers and all their families and   for Him, I wouldn't have survived.
          two-thirds of its population.        the  church...  faith  in  God  and   And  I  wasn't  alone,  because  He
                                               prayers  pulled  me  through,"  was  with  me  all  the  time,"  she
          Geneva Wood spent much of the        Wood explained.                       continued.
          winter  there,  recovering  from  a
          stroke. Just days before she was     Largely kept in isolation, she says   Wood  also  remembers  one
          supposed to go home, COVID-19        God  was  her  only  Companion.       special doctor. He brought her a
          put  the  facility  on  lockdown.    Wood  specifically  remembers  Bible  and  spent  time  each  day                     Geneva Wood
          Three  days  later,  Wood  expe-     one night when she wasn't sure if     reading her favourite Scriptures.
          rienced a spiking fever.             she would survive until morning.                                           else battling the virus.
                                                                                     "At first all I said was 'Psalm 23',   "Don't  give  up  hope.  God  is
          "I didn't know that I had the virus   "I could feel God's Presence. His    but  he  would  read  to  me  every   always there and put your trust in
          until  I  had  the  virus.  I  had  no   Hands  were  on  my  body  and  I   morning," she said.                Him  and  lean  on  Him  and  give
          symptoms  of  it  before,"  Wood     could  feel  His  Presence  and  I                                         your life to Him. And you'll make
          told CBN News.                       woke  up  and  I  could  feel  these   Wood's family calls her recovery    it,  but  you  should  not  give  up
                                               Hands and went back to sleep.         "miraculous." Nineteen days after    hope and keep on fighting."
          While  other  news  outlets  have                                          entering  the  hospital,  she  was
          talked  about  the  90-year-old's    "Through the night, I couldn't see    sent home, coronavirus free! Now     - End Time Headlines
          love for her family, spunky spirit   His  Face,  but  I  could  feel  His   she has some advice for everyone    04/03/2020

                 lmost  half  of  Americans    alike are turning to the Bible for    Call  To  Return  to  Faith  in  God"
                 believe  the  coronavirus     answers in this time of crisis.       and/or  "Sign  of  Coming  Judge-
          Apandemic  is  a  "wake-up                                                 ment"?
          call"  from  God  "to  turn  back  to   "Americans in near full lockdown   43.4% of all respondents say yes,
          faith," and one third see it as a    are anxious, and understandably       we  are  experiencing  a  wake-up
          sign  of  "coming  judgement"  or    so. Yet many are turning to God,      call, coming judgement, or both.
          that we are in the "last days" as    the Bible, and Christian sermons
          foretold in the Bible, according to   for answers, some of them for the    Is  the  Crisis  Creating  More
          a new national poll.                 first time."                          Biblical  Interest  Among  Non-
          The poll was conducted between       "This survey provides a fascina-      21.5%  of  all  self-identified  non-
          March  23-26  by  McLaughlin  &      ting window into how Americans        Christians responding to the poll
          Associates for The Joshua Fund,      see the COVID-19 pandemic and         say yes, the crisis is causing them   family and friends.
          a  Christian  Ministry  founded  by   how it is dramatically increasing    to  start  reading  the  Bible  and
          well  known  author  Joel  Rosen-    their interest in spiritual matters,"   listening  to  Bible  teaching  and   Are We Living in the Last Days?
          berg  with  an  emphasis  on  he said.                                     Christian  sermons  online  even     While  29.4%  of  all  poll  respon-
          "mobilizing  Christians  to  bless                                         though  they  usually  don't.  They   dents say yes, the crisis reveals
          Israel and her neighbours in the     Some  of  the  questions  and  search  online  for  teaching  on           that  "we  are  living  in  what  the
          Name  of  Jesus."  Rosenberg  responses to the poll included the           Bible prophecy and God's future      Bible calls the last days.”
          called the results "stunning" as     following:                            for  mankind,  and/or  engage  in
          Christians  and  non-Christians      Are We Experiencing a "Wake-Up        more spiritual conversations with
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