Page 8 - Good News July 2015 paper
P. 8

nce  a  young  couple  lost   the  child's  death,  but  the  old
                                                                                             their  only  child,  a  woman didn't utter a single word.
                                                                                      Obeautiful  three-year-old  Instead,  she  tenderly  wrapped
                                                                                      daughter,  as  a  result  of  a  freak   her arms around the heartbroken
                                                                                      accident.  Unable  to  justify  this   couple's shoulders, and together
                                                                                      tragedy  with  their  concept  of  a   they cried the hurt away.
               oe  was  a  drunk  who  was     into the Mission, and to undress       loving  God,  they  went  to  their   Sometimes  when  theological
               miraculously converted at a     and tuck into bed men who were         minister  for  help.  "Why?"  they   answers  are  not  easy  to  the
          JBowery Mission. Prior to his        too “out of it” to take care of them-  asked.  "It  was  God's  will,"  the   complex  misfortunes  of  life,
          conversion,  he  had  gained  the    selves.                                preacher told them.                 perhaps we just need to hush our
          reputation  of  being  a  dirty  wino                                       The couple just couldn't accept     babblings.  Sometimes  when
          for whom there was no hope, only     One evening, when the Director of      that  the  passing  of  their  little   answers  aren't  easy,  our  best
          a  miserable  existence  in  the  the  Mission  was  delivering  his        daughter could somehow serve        statement is silent caring.
          ghetto. But following his conver-    evening evangelistic message to        God's will, and they sought out     -Selected
          sion to a new life in Christ, every-  the usual crowd of still and sullen   another  preacher
          thing changed!                       men  with  drooped  heads,  there      friend. He quoted
                                               was  one  man  who  looked  up,        yards  of  Scrip-
          Joe  became  the  most  caring       came down the aisle to the altar       ture, trying to give
          person  that  anyone  associated     and  knelt  to  pray,  crying  out  to   them comfort, but
          with the Mission, had ever known.    God  to  help  him  change.  The       his verses fell on
          Joe  spent  his  days  and  nights   repentant  drunk  kept  shouting,      deaf ears.
          hanging out at the Mission, doing    “Oh God! Make me like Joe! Make        Finally, the young
          whatever  needed  to  be  done.      me Like Joe! Make me like Joe!”        couple turned to a
          There was never anything that he                                            f r a i l   e l d e r l y
          was asked to do that he conside-     The Director of the Mission leaned     woman  in  their
          red beneath him, whether it was      over and said to the man “Son, I       church.  Surely,
          cleaning up the vomit left by some   think  it  would  be  better  if  you   she  could  give
          violently sick alcoholic or scrub-   prayed,  ‘Make  me  like  Jesus.’”     them a reason for
          bing toilets after careless men left   The man looked up at the Director
         the  men's  room  filthy.  Joe  did   with a quizzical expression on his
         what was asked with a smile on        face and asked, “Is He like Joe?”
         his face and seeming gratitude for    The greatest sermon we can ever
         the chance to help. He could be       preach is not spoken. It is Lived!
         counted  on  to  feed  feeble  men    [From Tears in my Heart, James
         who wandered off the street and       Collins, Xulon Press, USA, 2007].
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