Page 1 - Good News May 2014 paper
P. 1
“You are the light of the world. A in Palestine were very dark with only something which is Our Christianity should be visible in the way we
city which is situated on the top of a one little circular window, perhaps meant to be seen. As treat a shop assistant across the counter, in the
mountain cannot be hidden; nor do not more than eighteen inches someone has well said, way we order a meal in a restaurant, in the way we
people light a lamp and put it under across. The lamp was like a sauce- “There can be no such treat our employees or serve our employer, in the
a bushel, but on a lampstand; and it boat filled with oil with the wick thing as secret disci- way we play a game or drive or park a motor car,
gives light for all who are in the floating in it. Normally the lamp pleship, for either the in the daily language we use, in the daily
house” (Matthew 5:14,15). stood on the lampstand which would secrecy destroys the literature we read. A Christian should be just as
be no more than a roughly shaped discipleship, or the much a Christian in the factory, the workshop, the
When Jesus said that the Christian branch of wood. The primary duty discipleship destroys shipyard, the mine, the schoolroom, the surgery,
must be the light of the world, what of the light of the lamp was to give the secrecy.” Continued on p. 6
Continued on p. 6
did He mean? light so that people could see and
A light is first and foremost some- be seen. A man's Christianity
thing which is meant to lighten up should be perfectly
a room and to be seen. The houses In the same way, Christianity is visible to all men.
Further, this Chris-
tianity should not be
visible only within the
Church. A Christianity
whose effects stop at
the church door is not
of much use to anyone.
It should be even more
visible in the ordinary
activities of the world.