Page 6 - Good News May 2014 paper
P. 6

Continued from p. 1
                 Continued from p. 1           Christian must make the way clear  the things which they do not dare to  if you had only spoken in time.”
          the  kitchen,  the  golf  course,  the  to others. That is to say, a Christian  do by themselves.               It  is  said  of  Florence  Allshorn,  a
          playing  field  as  he  is  in  Church.  must  of  necessity  be  an  example.                                  famous teacher and principal, that if
          Jesus did not say, “You are the light  There are many people in this world  A  light  can  often  be  a  warning  she ever had occasion to rebuke her
          of the Church”; He said, “You are  who have not the moral strength and  light.    A  light  is  often  the  warning  students,  she  did  it  “with  her  arm
          the  light  of  the  world,”  and  in  a  courage  to  take  a  stand  by  which tells us to halt when there is  round about them.” If our warnings
          man's  life  in  the  world  his  Chris-  themselves,  but  if  someone  gives  danger  ahead.  It  is  sometimes  the  are  given,  not  in  criticism,  not  in
          tianity should be evident to all.    them a lead, they will follow; if they  Christian's  duty  to  bring  to  his  condemnation, not in the desire to
                                               have someone strong enough to lean  fellow-men  the  necessary  warning.  hurt,  but  in  love,  they  will  be
          A light is a guide.  On the estuary of  on, they will do the right thing. It is  That is often difficult, and it is often  effective.
          any  river  we  may  see  the  line  of  the Christian's duty to take the stand  hard to do it in a way which will not  The light which can be seen, the
          lights which marks the channel for  which  the  weaker  brother  will  do more harm than good; but one of  light which warns, the light which
          the ships to sail in safety. We know  support, to give the lead which those  the most poignant tragedies in life is  guides, these are the lights which
          how  difficult  city  streets  are  to  with less courage will follow.     for  someone,  especially  a  young  the Christian must be.
          navigate when there are no lights. A  The world needs its guiding lights;  person,  to  come  and  say  to  us,  “I  [From:  The  Gospel  of  Matthew,
          light  is  something  to  make  clear  there are people waiting and longing  would  never  have  been  in  the  William Barclay, The Saint Andrew
          the  way.  In  the  same  way  a  for a leader to take the stand and to do  situation in which I now find myself,  Press Edinburgh, 1975].

                 tlike jare gelede het ek na  die  kombuis  kniediep  in  die  sou kon vertroos.                          God se heilige priesters is. Dit is
                 d i e   o e w e r   v a n   d i e   water. Die sterwende dame het  Ek  hoef  my  nie  daaroor  te  toe ék wat opgebeur is.
          ESevernrivier  gegaan  om  in die boonste verdieping gebly.  bekommer het nie, want toe ek  Sy  was  nie  in  daardie  vloed-
          'n jong vrou te besoek wat besig  'n Arm vrou het elke dag vir 'n  na  die  bed  kyk,  het  sy  met  geteisterde  huisie  nie;  sy  was
          was om aan tering te sterf.          uur  lank  ingekom  om  haar  te  vrolike oë na my gekyk.                  ver weg by haar Here, besig om
          Sy  het  in  'n  tweeslaapkamer-     help.                                 Sonder inleiding of groet het sy  lofliedere oor Sy skoonheid te
          huisie  gebly.  Die  rivier  was  in  Ek het die lendelam trap na bo  met  haar  hemelse  oë  na  my  sing!
          vloed  en  toe  ek  die  huisie  uitgeklim met die gevoel dat al  gekyk  en  gesê:  “Hy  is  die  [A.T.  Schofield,  Die  Groot  Boek
          bereik,  was  dit  omring  deur  my  vermoëns  om  op  te  beur,  Skoonste van tienduisend!”                    van Illustrasies van die Lewe vir die
          water.                               benodig  sou  word  en  ek  het  Ek  het  gevoel  dat  ek  in  die  Lewe,  Solly  Ozrovech,  CUM,
          Toe ek die deur oopstoot, was  gewonder hoe ek haar die beste  teenwoordigheid  van  een  van  2006].
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