Page 5 - Good News May 2014 paper
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eepa’s husband was drunk changed, and Deepa’s hope faded headed her direction. She grabbed burned her Bible! Yet Deepa
again. Ronak had claimed away. her two children and ran to find a refused to give up her newfound
Dto be a believer in Jesus One day, Deepa met women from a safe haven. faith. Having experienced a
Christ when they first met. But Gospel for Asia Women’s Fellow- She wondered if this Jesus she had strength and peace like none she
since the time they were married, ship. After hearing her story, they heard of would help them. Sud- had known before, Deepa knew
the only god she had seen him encouraged Deepa and gave her a denly, there He stood by the road. she could never go back to her old
worship was alcohol. New Testament and other Christian He showed her the way to the way of life, no matter how her
Whenever Ronak drank, he’d beat literature. But Deepa hardened her church and asked her to go inside. husband treated her.
Deepa, leaving her to feel pangs of heart. Deepa knew she would be safe Seeing his wife’s strong commit-
rejection and despair. Offering “I worship my god”, she thought, there, so she ran toward it. ment to Christ caused Ronak to
sacrifices to her god was the only “and if he can’t do anything, then She woke from her dream with a examine his own life. He began to
thing she knew to do to help her how will this Jesus help me?” start and saw the Christian litera- feel the Lord was using her to
husband - and she was desperate A few days later, Deepa had a ture lying at her bedside. Curious to bring him back to his First Love.
for intervention. But nothing dream. In it, a violent rainstorm learn more about the Man in her Shame, regret, and disappoint-
dream, Deepa read the tracts and ment in himself had kept Ronak far
then the New Testament she had from God, but now he did not want
been given. to keep on running. Ronak decided
As she read, Deepa realized the to recommit his life to Christ!
sacrifice Christ had made on the Today, Ronak is in Bible College,
cross and opened her heart to Him. fuelled with a passion to reach
Deepa began attending the local those who do not know Jesus and
church services, and she faithfully Deepa rejoices in the change only
prayed to Jesus for her husband to Jesus could have wrought in her
change his drunken ways. But husband!
instead, Ronak became crueller - From: Send! {Gospel for Asia’s
than he had been before - he even News Magazine}, March 2014.