Page 3 - Good News March 2007 paper
P. 3

Pastor Bill Marks, Christian Fellowship, Potchefstroom, Tel: (018) 293 1608 or 079 311 6515
            n  the  Gospel  of  Mark  Jesus  is  went  for  a  check-up,  she  was  totally
            presented as Jehovah’s Servant, and  healed. ALL  HONOUR AND  PRAISE  TO
          Iin the Kingdom of God every citizen is  GOD!
          designated a king.                            In 2 Kings 5:9-13 we read that Naaman
          A young Israeli girl was captured by the  was a great man in the sight of his master,
          Syrians  and  served  Naaman's  wife.  but  when  it  came  to  humbling  himself
          Naaman was a Commander in the Syrian  before the prophet Elisha, he was unable
          Army and a trusted servant of the king.  to  do  so.  Naaman  showed  a  brazen
          But he was a leper  (2 Kings 5:1-3).          display  of  pride.  However,  when  he
          The young girl had no fear of people and  obeyed the words of Elisha (2 Kings 5:14-
          spoke to her mistress: "If only my master  15), his skin was completely restored.
          would see the prophet who is in Samaria!  Jesus  says  in  Luke  14:7-11  that  we
          He would cure him of his leprosy."            should  be  willing  to  take  the  LOWEST
          As  Servant  Kings  we  must  have  a  SEAT as Servant Kings.
          KINGDOM MENTALITY and address the  David  Wilkerson  from  Times  Square
          needs of people. We must learn to think  Church in New York celebrated his 75th
         and act like ROYAL CHILDREN.                   birthday  last  year.  He  asked  the  Lord
         My wife and I visited a woman who had a  what his focus should be. The Lord said
         terminal illness and was given only six  unto him: DRAW NEAR UNTO ME!
         months to live.                                For us to have “Kingdom authority” as
         We had the privilege of sharing Commu-         Servant Kings, we should draw near unto
         nion with her and prayed for her. She held  the  Lord.  Do  not  be  afraid  to  do
         on to the following words from the Bible  something - even if it seems insignificant.
         and proclaimed them over her life: Psalm  Jesus is our example of a Servant King.
         16:1: "Preserve me O God, for in You I put  He healed the sick and raised the dead.
         my trust.”                                     He  calmed  the  storm  and  fed  the
         She was declaring the will of God to be  multitudes.
         manifested in her life. Later on when she            (Sponsored by TG TRADERS)

            Johan Zerwick, Sêlê ke 083 458 3837         maatla  a  Mowa  o  o  Boitshepo  go  go
          Fa bophelo jwa gago bo ka fela gompieno  tsadisa  sentshwa  ka  mo  moweng  mme
          kapa  ka  moso  -  mme  ruri  bo  ka  fela  Mowa o o Boitshepo go tla go dula mo go
          letsatsi lengwe - o ka raya Modimo yo o  wena. “Jesu a mo araba a re: ‘Ammaaruri,
          phelang  eng  gore  o  go  letlelele  go  jela  ammaaruri ke go raya ke re: Fa motho a sa
          bophelo  jo  bo  sa  khutleng  kwa  tsalwe  go  tswa  godimo,  ga  a  ka  ke  a
          legodimong. Fa e le gore ka metlha o ntse  lemoga  puso  ya  Modimo.’”  (Johane3:3)
          o  akanya  gore  "go  nna  motho  yo  o  “Bona,  ke  eme  fa  mojako,  ke  a  konya-
          siameng" kapa "go sa bolaya ope"  go ne  konya. Fa motho a utlwa lentswe la ka, a
          go  le  se  se  tlhokegang  go  ya  kwa  ba a bula lobati, ke tla tsena kwa go ene,  jwa me jotlhe.   Ka kopo, nthuse go dira jalo. Ke
          legodimong, se e ne e le kakanyo e e sa  ke ja selalelo nae le ene le nna” (Tshenolo  kopa mo leineng la ga Jesu. Amen.
          siamang. Beibele ya re re baleofi rotlhe le  3:20).                                          Ga go tlhokege gore o rapele fela jaaka mafoko a.
          gore  maleo  a  rona  a  re  kgaogantsha  le  4. O tshwanetse go ipha gotlhe ka go itse,  Bua le Modimo go tswa mo pelong ya gago. O tla
         Modimo yo o lerato yo o boitshepo. Ga go  go rata le go direla Keresete bophelo jwa  go utlwa mme o tla tlhaloganya.  Gongwe o ka se
         motho a le mongwe yo o siameng go ka  gago jotlhe. Moapostolo Paulo a re: “Ba  utlwe gore go diragala sengwe ka wena fa o rapela
         siamela  go  ka  ya  kwa  legodimong.  Ke  ga etsho, nna ga ke ikaye gore ke setse ke  jalo mme fa e le gore ruri o batla go ipha Keresete,
         sone  Jesu  a  tlileng,  ke  sone  Jesu  a  tshwere; mme selo se le sengwe ke a se  itse  ka  nnete  gore  o  tla  go  amogelela  ka  mo
         dumetseng  gore  a  bolaelwe  ka  mo  dira  ke  se:  Ke  lebala  dilo  tse  di  kwa  losikeng  la  Gagwe  la  badumedi.  Akanya  se,
         sefapaanong   mme  ke sone a fentseng  morago, ke gagamalela tse di kwa pele.  Modimo wa tlholego yotlhe, yo a go bopileng, o tla
         loso  ka  tsogo  ya  Gagwe  go  tswa  mo  Ke  sianela  bokhutlong  jwa  tshiano,  ke  go  itshwarela  dibe  tsa  gago  mme  o  tla  go  dira
         phupung. Mokgwa o le mongwe fela go ka  tabogela sekgele sa pitso ya legodimo ya  motho yo montshwa ka tshimologo e e nthswa! O
         itse ruri gore o amogela bophelo yo bo sa  Modimo mo go Keresete Jesu” (Bafilipi  tla phelela mo teng ga gago ka Mowa wa Gagwe
         khutleng ke go tshepha gotlhe mohao le  3:13-14).                                             mme o tla nna Mopho-losi le Modimo wa gago yo o
         thuso e Modimo o di bontshitseng go feta  Ke go kopa mme ke go tlhotlheletsa go  Lerato.  O  tla  go  ema  nokeng  bophelo  jwa  gago
         ka  Jesu  Keresete.  Fa  e  le  gore  o  batla  simolola  bophelo  jo  bontshwa  le  mme o tla go amogelela kwa legodi-mong letsatsi
         bonnete jwa kwa o yang go jela bophelo  Keresete gompieno. O ka tsaya dikgato  le o tlhoko-falang ka lone.   Beibele ya re: “Ke lo
         jwa  gago  morago  ga  loso  la  mo  tse  di  tlhaloseditsweng  ka  go  bua  le  raya ke re: Go boitumelo jalo mo baengeleng ba
         lefatsheng teng mme o batla go simolola  Modimo jaaka o ka bua le tsala ya gago. O  Modimo  ka  ga  moleofi  a  le  mongwe  yo  o
         botsalano le Modimo gompieno - o ka dira  rapela  thapelo  e  e  tshwanang  le  e  e  sokologang"  (Luka 15:10).
         jalo mo metsotsong e e latelang. O ka dira  latelang:                                         Fa  e  le  gore  o  Mokeresete  yo  montshwa,  re  go
         jaaka go latela:                               Modimo yo o lerato, ke dumela gore ke  tlhotlheletsa gore o dire dilo tse pedi:
         1. Sa ntlha, o tshwanetse go dumela gore  modiradibe  -  ka  bomo  kapa  e  seng  ka  Pele o tshwanetse go simolola o bala Beibele mme
         o  tlhoka  boitshwarelo  jwa  Modimo  ka  bomo  -  mme  ke  tlhoka  thata  fa  ke  o bue le Modimo letsatsi le letsatsi. Go rapela ke go
         Jesu  Keresete.  First,  you  need  to  itekantsha  le  ditlhokego  tsa  tshiamo  le  bua nnete le Modimo go tswa mo pelong ya gago.
         recognize  and  acknowledge  that  you  tsa boitshepo jwa Gago. Ke itse gore ke  Fa o dira jalo, o tla simolola go bona Modimo a go
         need God's forgiveness in Jesus Christ.  ka se ipoloke ka ditiro tse di siameng tsa  gakolola ka ga nnete e o e badileng mo Beibeleng
         “Gonne botlhe ba leofile, ba tlhoka tlotlo  me.  Ke  dumela  gore  Jesu  Keresete,  mme e go fe maatla le gore o ikobele Modimo ka
         fa pele ga Modimo, mme ba ka siamisiwa  Morwa  Modimo  wa  me,  o  swetse  mo  thuso ya Mowa o o boitshepo.
         fela ka boitshwarelo jwa ona ka kgololo e  sefapaanong go duelela dibe tsa me, gore  Sa bobedi, Bakeresete botlhe ba tlhotlhelediwa go
         e mo go Keresete Jesu...” (Baroma 3:23-        o tsogile mo losong go mpha tsholofelo  ipatlela  kereke  ya  gaufi  le  legae  mo  o  ka
         24)                                            ya  bophelo  jo  bo  sa  khutleng.  Gape  ke  buisanang, mo o ka tlotlang Modimo le badumedi
          2. Tlhabologang mme tloga mo dibeng  -  dumela gore letsatsi lengwe o tla boa go  ba  bangwe,  mo  o  ka  ithutang  dithuto  mme  o  je
         ke go tloga mo go sengwe le sengwe se se  tla  go  ntsaya  go  nna  le  Ene  kwa  monate go itse Bakeresete ba bangwe.
         mo  bophelong  jwa  gago  mo  pele  ga  legodimong  go  fitlhela  bokhutlo  jwa  Go ka tsaya sebakanyana go bona kereke e e go
         Modimo - tsaya kgato ya go ka tsamaya  dinako.  Morena,  ke  go  kopa  gore  o  siametseng mme tlhokomela o dire se ka phisego
         tsela  e  e  boikobo  mo  go  Keresete.  intshwarele  dibe  tsa  me.    Ke  kopa  o  e kgolo. Kereke e e siameng e ka nna tlhotlheletso
         Mongwe le mongwe wa lona o tshwanetse  romele  Mowa  o  o  Boitshepo  mo  le  thuso  e  kgolo  mo  go  goleng  ga  bophelo  jwa
         go  sokologela  dibe  tsa  gago  mme  lo  bophelong  jwa  me  mme  o  simolole  go  gago jwa Bokeresete. A Modimo a go tshegofatse
         tšhikele Modimong. (Bala le Ditiro 2:38)       nthuta le go mpopa jaaka o rata.  Ke ipha  thata fa o simolola leeto la bophelo jwa gago jwa
         3.  O  tshwanetse  go  kopa  Keresete,  ka  go itse, go rata le go direla Wena bophelo  bodumedi le Ene!
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