Page 5 - Good News March 2007 paper
P. 5

plainly  dressed  woman      The timid woman did not answer
                was  noticed  picking  up      at first, whereupon the policeman,
          Asomething on a poor slum            thinking  she  must  have  found
          street  where  ragged,  barefooted   something  valuable,  threatened
          little children were accustomed to   her with arrest if she did not show
          play.  A  policeman  on  the  beat   him what she had in her apron.
          noticed the woman’s action, and      The woman opened her apron and
          watched her very suspiciously.       revealed  a  handful  of  broken
          Several times he saw her stoop,      glass.  “What  do  you  want  with
          pick up something and hide it in     that stuff?” asked the policeman.
          her apron. Finally he went up to     The  woman  replied,  “I  just
          her,  and  with  a  gruff  voice  thought I would pick it up so the
          demanded,  “What  are  you  glass  would  not  hurt  the  chil-
          carrying off in your apron?”         dren’s feet.” (e-Sword)
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