Page 3 - Good News August 2016 paper
P. 3

ou are not willing to come   for  finding  life  on  my  own  and
                 to  Me  that  you  may  have   giving them up, I will never get in
          Ylife (John 5:40).                   touch  with  the  deep  thirst  for
                                               God that exists at the core of my
          In  Psalm  42:1,  the  psalmist  being.
          states,  "As  a  deer  longs  for
          streams  of  water,  so  I  long  for   What is the answer? I must ask
          You, God." Why do most Chris-        God to search my heart, expose
          tians  not  long  for  God  in  this   my  self-centered  motivations,
          way?  Because  to  long  for  God    and help me see just where it is
          means we must get in touch with      that I stop short of panting after
          the  deep  thirst  that  is  at  the   Him.
          centre of our being and acknow-
          ledge our basic helplessness - a     You  see,  the  more  deeply  we
          feeling  which  our  fallen  human   sense  our  thirst,  the  more
          nature deeply dislikes.              passionately  we  will  pursue
                                               water.  But  we  will  never  sense
          Most  of  us  instinctively  draw    that thirst until we are willing to
          back  from  dealing  with  this      face  the  fact  that  we  may  be
          stubborn  commitment  to  inde-      drinking more from our own self-
          pendence, pretending we are all      constructed wells than from the
          right as we are. It is much easier   wells of God.
          to pretend we are thirsting after
          God  than  it  is  to  face  the                  Prayer
          challenge  of  giving  up  our  Father, I tremble as I recognize
          commitment to independence.          this tendency within me to walk
                                               right past the Fountain of Living
          I  am  conscious  that  the  chal-   Water and drink from a well of my
          lenge I am putting before you is     own  making.  But  help  me  to
          one I want to deny in my own life.   recognize it for what it really is -
          There  is  something  in  me  that   not just a terrible tendency, but a
          would like to think - and would      terrible sin!
          like you to think - that I have a    [Everyday  with  Jesus  Bible,
          heart that thirsts for God. But I    Holman  Bible  Publishers,  With
          know that if I stop short of identi-  Devotions  by  Selwyn  Hughes,
          fying my independent strategies      2004].

               KE A LEBOGA! / DANKIE!

                     DITEMANA                  ope mo go bone yo o boileng go        bolayang batsadi ba bone ruri ka
          Mme  itse  gore  mo  malatsing  a    naya Modimo tlotlo, fa e se moeng     ditlhwatlhwa  tse  di  kwa  godimo
          bofelo  go  tla  tla  dipaka  tse  di   yo?'  Jaanong  a  mo  raya  a  re:   thata.  E nnile se mphete ke go fete!
          bokete;  gonne  batho  e  tla  nna   'Nanoga o tsamae; tumelo ya gago      Ba  batla  disutu  tse  di  jalo  le
          baithati,  baratamadi,  baipoki,  e go pholositse' (Luka 17:11-19).        ditlhako tsa mefuta e le mefuta e.
          baikgantshi,  bakgadi,  ba  ba  sa                                         Basetsana  ba  batla  mesese  e  e
          utlweng  bagolo,  ba  ba  sa                    DIKAKANYO                  dirilweng ke yo kampo yole mme le
          lebogeng, ba ba sa itshepang, ba     Ditemana tsa lekwalo le di bua ka     dibenya-benya tse le tse. Motsadi
          ba  se  nang  lorato,  ba  ba  sa    go leboga. Buka ya Timotheo ya re     ka  go  rata  ngwana  o  itsenya  mo
          itshwareleng, ba ba latofatsang, ba   ka nako ya mo malatsing a bofelo     mathateng  a  dikadimo  mme  o
          ba  sa  itsholeng  sentle,  ba  ba  sa   go ka nna bokete. Ruri dipharolo-  utlwa  botlhoko  go  gana  go  fa
          itshwareng, ba ba sa rateng sepe     gantsho tse a di bitsang di bona-     ngwana se a se batlang.   Morago
          se se molemo,   balotsana, ba ba     gala thata ka nako e re leng mo go    bana ba lebala le go leboga! Badiri
          kgopo, ba ba ikgogomosang, ba ba     yone. Batho ba kopa fela mme ba       ba  bangwe  le  bone  ba  rata  go
          ratang  dikgatlhego  tsa  lefatshe   batla  fela  mme  ga  ba  tlhole  ba   leboga bathapi ba bone ka se ba se
                                                                                                                                    Johan Zerwick
          bogolo go Modimo (2 Tim 3:1-4).      leboga. Ba akanya gore dilo tsotlhe   fiwang  nako  e  nngwe.  Fela  jaaka           Johan Zerwick
                                                                                                                                 Sêlê ke 083 458 3837
          E rile ba etela kwa Jerusalema, a    ke  tshwanelo.  O  tshwanetse  go     balepero  ba  ba  lesome  batho  ba         Sêlê ke 083 458 3837
         ralala naga e e fa gare ga Samaria    ntirela  se  le  go  ntirela  seo.  O   gompieno ba palelwa ke go ya go
         le  Galelea.  Ya  re  a  tsena  mo    tshwanetse go mpha se le go mpha      leboga. Ga re kgone go lebogana.     re  bontsheng  tebogo  mme  re  se
         motsaneng mongwe, banna ba le         sele. Le bana ba bantsi gompieno      Ga ke batle go bua ka ditebogo mo    amogele  fela  gore  gotlhe  ke
         some  ba  balepero  ba  mo  ba  gaketse.  Ba  tshwana  fela  le             Modimong? A wena o na le dijo? A     tshwanelo fela.
         kgatlhantsha, ba emetse kgakala;      badiri ba ba gwantang me ba batla     o a di lebogela? A o na le diaparo?
         ba tsholetsa mantswe ba re: 'Jesu,    se  le  se!  "WE  DEMAND!    WE       A o a di lebogela? A o na le bat-    THAPELO:     Ntate  wa  rona  Jesu
         Moruti, re utlwele botlhoko!' Ya re a   DEMAND!" Mme morago fa dikopo       sadi? A o a ba lebogela? A wena o    Keresete re a go leboga. Re leboga
         ba bona, a ba raya a re: 'Yaang lo    tse tsa batho di arabilwe mafoko a    tsamaya  fela  le  wena  o  batla  se   le dilo tse dinnye tse re di lebalang
         itshupetse  baperesiti!'  Ya  re  ba   ga a tlhole a dirisiwa thata. Mafoko   mme  o  batla  se?  Morago  o  be  o   ka pele jaaka go bona, go utlwa le
         tsamaya, ba phepafala. Fa jaanong     a ke go re: "Ke a leboga!" Le go      lebala le go leboga! A o tshwana     go hema. Ke go lebogela letsatsi le
         mongwe  wa  bone  a  bona  gore  o    kopa sentle ke tsweetswee ga go       fela le balepero ba ba lesome ba     le tlhabileng mme ke go lebogela
         fodisitswe,  a  boa,  a  galaletsa    tlhole  go  diragala.  Ke  fela:  "Ke   mo  go  bone  go  boileng  a  le   batsadi le baratiwa. Ke go lebogela
         Modimo ka lentswe le legolo, a ba a   batla! Ke batla!" Sekao se segolo     mongwe fela go leboga Modimo. O      lefatshe la rona mo re santseng re
         wela  fa  fatshe  ka  sefatlhego  fa   sa mo merafeng ya rona ke bana ba    dirisa gakae mafoko a a latelang a   na  le  tšhono  ya  go  rapela  le  go
         dinaong tsa gagwe, a mo leboga;       sekolo ba ba balang setlhopha sa      go re: "Ke a leboga!" A re tseyeng   buisa  Beibele.  Pele  o  re  amen
         mme  yoo  ya  bo  e  le  Mosamaria.   marematlou. Batsadi ba bolaiwa ka     karolo go simolola go dirisa thata   leboga Modimo ka dilo tsotlhe tse
         Mme Jesu a araba a re: 'A ga go a     dikopo  tsa  bana  tsa  diaparo  tsa   mafoko jaaka go leboga le go kopa   o ka di akanyang.   Se lebale dilo
         fodisiwa  ba  le  some?  Ba  ba       mokete wa bana wa bofelo wa mo        tsweetswee. A re ruteng le bana ba   tse  dinnye  le  dilo  tse  di  kgolo.
         robongwe ba kae? A ga go a bonwa      sekolong. Ba batla diaparo tse di     rona go dirisa mafoko a go feta. A   AMEN.
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