Page 6 - Good News August 2016 paper
P. 6

y friend Rod Dreher is as    pass on to our young people an
                  sane and stable as any-      orthodox  form  of  faith  that  can
          Mone  I  know,  and  he's            take root and survive the secular
          saying, in essence, that the sky is   onslaught."  These  are  chilling
          falling. I reference his new article   words.
          in  The  American  Conservative,
          called  "The  Coming  Christian      Yet I am hopeful, as every Chris-
          Collapse."                           tian  must  be.  As  my  colleague
                                               John  Stonestreet  says  so  often,
          He  begins  by  saying  that  two-   we are part of the grand story of
          thirds  of  millennials  who  were   the  universe.  And  God  is  the
          raised  religiously  unaffiliated  Author of that story. Yes, as Peter
          still  have  no  denominational  reminds us, we will have to suffer
          identity  today.  Unlike  previous   "various  trials."  But  why?  "So
          generations,  they're  not  joining   that  the  authenticity  of  [our]
          churches as they get older and       faith… may result in praise, glory,
          raise kids.                          and  honour  at  the  revelation  of
                                               Jesus Christ"  (1 Peter 1:6-7).
          Second, Rod says, "Millennials,                                            yes,  the  sins  of  our  nation:  the   clothe the naked, heal the sick,
          even  those  who  identify  as  This is not new. Back in the '30s          sins  of  pride,  racism,  sexual    and visit the prisoner. Christian
          Christians,  are  shockingly  illi-  and '40s, German Christians had       libertinism, greed, lust for power,   faith is not a nice add-on to our
          terate, both in terms of what the    to take a clear stand or be absor-    and a callous disregard for human    agendas, it's the very marrow of
          Bible  says  and  more  generally    bed or compromised by evil - and      life.                                our lives.
          regarding  what  Christianity  some,  like  Dietrich  Bonhoeffer,
          teaches."  This  growing  Biblical   chose the cross!                      Second,  we  must  recommit  The question is this: Will we love
          illiteracy  has  led  to  a  moral                                         ourselves  to  Jesus.  We  need  to   God with our whole heart, soul,
          decline of our young people into     Look at our brothers and sisters      seek the mind of Christ, to think    and mind, and our neighbour as
          consumerism,  drug  abuse,  in the Middle East. Now, I'm not               and to act as Christians, to know    ourselves?   Don't be intimidated
          sexual  liberation,  and  civic  and   ready  to  say  we  American  our Bible and to live by it in the         by the internal and external chal-
          political disengagement.             Christians  may  soon  have  to       power of the Spirit, "making the     lenges we face. Remember that
                                               apostasize or die, but I can't help   most of (y)our time, for the days    God can do very much with very
          Third, Rod says that the working     but think of the words of the late    are evil." We must commit anew       little,  and  that  success  doesn't
          class has largely abandoned the      Pastor George, who said he would      to  forming  a  Biblical  worldview   depend  on  political  or  cultural
          Church,  and  that  if  the  middle   die  in  his  bed,  his  successor   and evaluating everything in our     power.  While  the  Church  may
          class  follows  suit,  as  appears   would  die  in  prison,  and  his     lives in light of it.                face trials, the gates of hell will
          likely, the Church will be empty in   successor will die a martyr in the                                        not prevail, and Christ's Victory
          a world of hurt. He quotes the late   public square. So, what do we do?    We must recommit our time and        is assured!
          Michael Spencer, who warned of                                             our  treasure  to  evangelism,  http://www.prophecynewswatch
          a  coming  Evangelical  collapse:    We  must  repent  -  repent  of  our   missions, and Christ's command      .com/article.cfm?recent_news_i
          "We Evangelicals have failed to      sins, the sins of the Church, and,    in Matthew 25 to feed the hungry,    d=532#ghvI84MDupBwsJzk.99

                   o s e s   w o u l d   s a y,   listening."                        Isaiah  would  say,  "Arise  and  Ezekiel  would  say,  "Any  dry
                   "LORD, if You don't go                                            shine for my GLORY has come"  bones in my life, live again!"
          Mwith us or before us, we  Nehemiah             would say, "The joy of  and "No weapon formed against
          are not going anywhere."             the LORD is my strength."             me shall prosper."                   Peter would say, "I will cast my
                                                                                                                          cares  upon  the  LORD  for  He
          Abraham  would  say,  "The  David           would say, "The LORD  is  Jeremiah would say, "The LORD  cares."
          LORD will provide."                  my Shepherd, I shall not want,"  has plans to prosper me and not
                                               and  "This  is  the  day  that  the  to harm or fail me."                  Paul would say, "The LORD will
          Jacob would say, "I won't let go  LORD has made and I will rejoice                                              supply all my needs and I can
          of YOU unless YOU bless me."         and be glad in it."                   Jabez would say, "Oh, that YOU  do all things through Christ."
                                                                                     may  bless  me  and  enlarge  my
          Joshua would say, "As for me  Solomon           would  say,  "Trust  in  territory."                            Let  us  read  and  speak  the
          and my house, we will serve the  the LORD, oh my soul, and lean                                                 Word!  It  brings  light,  joy,  and
          LORD."                               not on your own understanding,  Shadrach,  Meshach  and  Abed-             power into our lives!
                                               in  all  your  ways  acknowledge  nego  would  say,  "We  will  not
          Samuel  would  say,  "Speak,  Him  and  He  shall  direct  your  bow down to any image but will  Choose your daily statement of
          LORD,  for  Your  servant  is  path."                                      serve the LORD."                     faith and be blessed!
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