Page 9 - Good News August 2016 paper
P. 9
man took his wife to see read: "God means what He says.
the doctor, and as he was What He says goes. His powerful
Asitting in the waiting room, Word is as sharp as a surgeon's
he saw the doctor come rushing scalpel, cutting through every-
out, asking if someone had a thing, whether doubt or defense,
screwdriver. laying us open to listen and
He returned to the exam room
with the screwdriver, but a few If we want to discover what's
minutes later, he came running wrong with our lives and what is
out again and asked for a pair of wrong with the world, if we want to
pliers. find the cure and the prescription
for life - we have to OPEN our way we should go (Psalm 32:8). fruitful and flourishing Christian
The man was getting concerned Bibles! "This Book of the Law there is a simple prescription -
at this point. Moments later, the shall not depart from your mouth Reading the Bible is not a dull read, study and meditate upon
doctor came out and asked if but you must meditate on it day academic experience. It provides God's Word regularly, consis-
anyone had a hammer. and night so that you can observe food for the hungry, water for the tently and persistently. It will
to do all that is written in it. For thirsty, and rest for the weary. As transform and revolutionise your
Unable to stand it any longer, the then you shall make your way Jeremiah made clear, "Your life. It will change you from a
husband said, "Doctor, what is prosperous and then you shall words were found, and I ate them. whiner to a winner; from a loser to
going on in there? What is wrong have good success" (Joshua 1:8). And Your Word was to me the joy a leader; and from a failure to a
with my wife?" I don't know," the and rejoicing of my heart..." front-runner!
doctor replied. "I can't get my People are searching
medical bag open." for meaning The very first Psalm reminds us The Bible is the most amazing and
There are many people searching that the person who delights in unique book. As Napoleon said,
What does God say? for meaning and direction in their God's Word and meditates on it "This is no mere book but it is a
When it comes to our Bibles, the lives. They need to realise that will be like trees planted along the living creature with the power to
same is true for many of us. We God's Word is a lamp to guide our riverbank - fresh, well fed and well conquer all that would oppose it."
know it has the potential to feet and a light for our paths nourished, bearing fruit. To know it is to love it. To love it is
examine and diagnose our (Psalm 119:105) and God has to accept it and to accept it means
problems, but we haven't even promised to guide us along the The secret to a life eternal.
opened it. In The Message best pathway for our lives and He fruitful and flourishing life - Nico Bougas
paraphrase of Hebrews 4:12 we will advise us and teach us in the So if you want to be a radiant,