Page 4 - Good News August 2016 paper
P. 4

Frances Ridley Havergal
                                                    ( 1 8 3 8 - 1 8 7 9 )   w a s
                                                    proficient in Latin, Greek
                                                    and  Hebrew  but  is
                                                    appreciated worldwide as
                                                    the  hymn  writer  of  such
                                                    favourites as "I Gave My
                                                    Life for Thee," "Who Is on
                                                    the  Lord's  Side,"  and
                                                    "Take My Life and Let It
                                                    Among  the  favoured
                                                    volumes  that  she  wrote
                                                    are "Kept for the Master's
                                                    Use" and "Royal Bounty".
                Frances Ridley Havergal
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