Page 1 - Good News March 2007 paper
P. 1

“Shoemaker  by  trade,  but  scholar,  linguist  and    his  amazing  ‘Enquiry’;  he  pastor  of  a  small
          missionary by God’s training,” William Carey was        influenced  timid  and  hesitating   Baptist  congre-
          one of God’s giants in the history of evangelism!       men  to  take  steps  to  the  gation.  It  was
          One of his biographers, F Dealville Walker, wrote of    evangelizing of the world.”          there  that  Carey
          Carey: “He, with a few contemporaries, was almost       Another wrote of him, “Taking his    heard  the  mis-
          singlehanded  in  conquering  the  prevailing  life as a whole, it is not too much           sionary call. In his
          indifference  and  hostility  to  missionary  effort;   to  say  that  he  was  the  greatest   own  words:  “My
          Carey developed a plan for missions, and printed        and  most  versatile  Christian  attention  to  mis-
                                                                  missionary  sent  out  in  modern    sions  was  first
                                                                  times.”                              awakened  after  I
                                                                  Carey  was  born  in  a  small  was at Moulton, by
                                                                  thatched cottage in Paulerspury,     reading  the  ‘Last
                                                                  a  typical  Northamptonshire  Voyage of Captain
                                                                  village  in  England,  August  17,   Cook’.”
                                                                  1761, of a weaver’s family. When     To  many,  Cook's
                                                                  about eighteen, he left the Church   Journal  was  a
                                                                                                                                    William Carey
                                                                  of England to “follow Christ”.       thrilling  story  of         William Carey
                                                                  At  first  he  joined  the  Congre-  adventure,  but  to            1761-1834
                                                                  gational  Church  at  Hackleton                       Continued on p. 12
                                                                  where  he  was  an  apprentice
                                                                  shoemaker.  It  was  there  he
                                                                  married  in  1781.  And  it  was  in
                                                                  Hackleton he began making five-
                                                                  mile walks to Olney in his quest
                                                                  for more spiritual truth. Olney was
                                                                  a  stronghold  of  the  Particular
                                                                  Baptists,  the  group  that  Carey
                                                                  cast his lot with after his baptism,
                                                                  October 5, 1783. Two years later
                                                                  he moved to Moulton to become a
                                                                  One  year  later  he  became  the
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