Page 10 - Good News November 2015 paper
P. 10



                               AND A ONE WORLD RELIGION

               he  global  elite  have  never   2030  Agenda'  has  been  rebran-    world to become a 'single market'    myself  with  you  all.  A  prayer  to
               been closer to their goal of a   ded  as  'the  global  goals'.  On  26   with  uniform  laws,  rules,  and   almighty  God,  the  all-merciful
          Tunited  world.  Thanks  to  a       September  some  of  the  biggest     regulations. But as the US merge     One.'"
          series of interlocking treaties and   names  in  the  music  world  their economy with the rest of the
          international  agreements,  the  (including  Beyonce)  promoted            globe, they have been losing tens    The  Pope  did  not  choose  those
          governance  of  this  planet  is  these  new  'global  goals'  at  the     of thousands of businesses and       words by accident. In Islam, Allah
          increasingly becoming globalized     'Global Citizen Festival' that was    millions of jobs as the monolithic   is known as 'the all-merciful one'.
          and centralized, but most people     held  in  Central  Park.  You  can    corporations  that  now  dominate    If you doubt this, just do a Google
          don't seem alarmed by this at all.   watch  a  YouTube  video  where       the economy shift production to      search.  And  this  is  not  the  first
                                               some of the most famous names         areas  where  labour  is  much  time Pope Francis has used such
          In the past 30 days, we have seen    on the entire planet urge all of us   cheaper.  This  is  absolutely  language.  For  instance,  the
          some of the biggest steps toward     to  get  behind  these  new  'global   destroying  the  US  middle  class,   following  comes  from  remarks
          a  one  world  government,  a  one   goals'.                               but very few people seem to care.    that he made during his very first
          world economy and a one world                                                                                   ecumenical  meeting  as  Pope.  "I
          religion  that  we  have  ever  None of this is by accident. We are        Negotiations  for  one  of  the  then greet and cordially thank you
          witnessed,  but  strangely,  these   being trained to think of ourselves   biggest  international  trade  all,  dear  friends  belonging  to
          events  have  sparked  very  little   as 'global citizens' that belong to   treaties  that  the  world  has  ever   other religious traditions; first of
         public discussion or debate.          a  'global  community'.  Decades      seen  were  recently  concluded.     all, the Muslims who worship the
                                               ago, most Americans would have        The  Trans-Pacific  Partnership,     one God, living and merciful, and
         From  25  -  27  September,  the      been up in arms over something        also  known  as  'Obamatrade',  call upon Him in prayer, and all of
         United Nations launched a "new        like this. But now most people just   would  represent  a  giant  step     you.  I  really  appreciate  your
         universal  agenda"  for  humanity.    seem  to  accept  these  changes      toward  a  truly  unified  global    presence: in it I see a tangible sign
         These  are  not  my  words,  they     passively.  Very  powerful  secret    economy.  The  following  is  an     of  the  will  to  grow  in  mutual
         actually come directly out of the     societies and international orga-     excerpt from one of my previous      esteem  and  cooperation  for  the
         core  document  for  this  new  nizations have been moving us in            articles: "We have just witnessed    common  good  of  humanity.  The
         agenda.  The  Pope  recently  this direction for a very long time,          one of the most significant steps    Catholic  Church  is  aware  of  the
         travelled to New York City to give    and most Americans simply have        toward  a  one  world  economic      importance  of  promoting  friend-
         the  address  that  kicked  off  this   no idea what is happening."         system  that  we  have  ever  seen.   ship  and  respect  between  men
         conference,  thus  giving  his                                              Negotiations for the Trans-Pacific   and women of different religious
         considerable endorsement to this      Here is more from Paul McGuire:       Partnership  have  been  comple-     traditions...  it  also  attests  the
         new  plan.  Virtually  every  nation   "The United Nations is a de facto    ted, and if approved it will create   valuable work that the Pontifical
         on  the  entire  planet  willingly    global government and does not        the  largest  trading  block  on  the   Council  for  interreligious  dia-
         signed up for the 17 goals that are   rule  by  the  'consent  of  the  planet.  The  United  States,  logue performs."
         included  in  this  plan,  but  this   governed.' The United Nations is     Canada, Japan, Mexico, Australia,
         stunning turn of events made very     a  global  government  to  which      Brunei,  Chile,  Malaysia,  New  Pope Francis clearly believes that
         few international headlines.          American  politicians  of  both  Zealand,  Peru,  Singapore,  and          Christians and Muslims worship
                                               parties  have  surrendered  our  Vietnam  all  intend  to  sign  this      the exact same God. And so that
         The United Nations is promising       Constitutional rights. If you look    insidious plan. Collectively, these   helps  to  explain  why  he  autho-
         that if we all work together, we can   at  the  Republican  Presidential    nations have a total population of   rized  "Islamic  prayers  and
         turn our planet into some kind of     debates you see the vast majority     about  800  million  people  and  a   readings from the Quran" at the
         "Utopia". But the truth is that all of   of those running are 'bought men   combined GDP of approximately        Vatican for the first time ever in
         this  talk  about  "unity"  masks  a   and women.' They are there to do     28 trillion dollars."                2014.
         very insidious agenda.                the bidding of their true masters,
                                               the international banking families    We  are  also  seeing  some  stun-   What is happening is undeniable.
         The  following  comes  from  a  and  their  interlocking  secret  ning moves in the direction of a               We are steamrolling toward a one
         recent piece by Paul McGuire, the     societies.                            one  world  religion.  In  recent    world  government,  a  one  world
         author of a groundbreaking new                                              years, you may have noticed that     economy  and  a  one  world
         book entitled 'The Babylon Code':     Who  are  these  powerful  elite      it has become very trendy to say     religion.
         "The UN is not asking permission,     groups  and  the  secret  societies   that all religions are just different
         but issuing a command that the        that run them? As we extensively      paths  to  the  same  God.   In  fact,   Of  course  we  will  not  get  there
         entire  planet  will  commit  to  17   document in our new book, The        many prominent religious leaders     overnight. It is going to take some
         sustainable  development  goals       Babylon  Code,  co-authored  by       are now openly proclaiming that      time,  and  there  are  going  to  be
         and 169 sustainable development       this author and Troy Anderson, a      the  two  biggest  faiths  on  the   quite a few bumps along the way.
         targets  designed  to  radically  Pulitzer  Prize-nominated  investi-       entire  planet,  Christianity  and   In fact, I believe that our planet will
         transform our world by 2030. The      gative  journalist,  there  exists  a   Islam,  worship  the  exact  same   experience an extreme amount of
         UN  2030  Plan  promoted  by  the     very  real  network  of  semi-        deity. For example, just consider    chaos  before  we  actually  get
         Pope will advance Agenda 21 on        secretive  and  secret  groups.  what the Pope is saying publicly          there. But every major crisis will
         steroids.                             Groups  like  The  Council  on  on this matter. The following is an        be used as an excuse to advance
                                               Foreign  Relations,  The  Trilateral   extended excerpt from one of my     this  agenda.  Virtually  every
         Through  a  controlled  media  the    Commission,  Royal  Institute  of     recent  articles:  "What  Pope  solution that the elite offer us will
         mass populations will be told that    International  Affairs,  United  Francis had to say at St. Patrick's       involve  more  globalization  and
         this  is  all  about  saving  the  Nations,  Club  of  Rome,  The  Cathedral  in  Manhattan  has  more  centralization.  We  will  be
         environment  and  'ending  pover-     Bilderberg  Group,  and  others       received  very  little  coverage  by   told that all of our problems will be
         ty.' But that is not the true agenda   control  presidents,  prime  minis-  the mainstream media, but it was     solved if humanity will just come
         of Agenda 21. The true agenda of      ters, media networks, politicians,    exceedingly  significant.  The  together  in  unity.  For  some,  the
         Agenda 21 is to establish a global    CEOs, and entire nations. You will    following is how the Pope began      goal of a "united planet" where we
         government,  a  global  economic      almost  never  hear  any  substan-    his  address:  'I  would  like  to   are  all  working  together  to
         system, and a global religion.        tive analysis by the media, which     express  two  sentiments  for  my    eradicate things like poverty, war,
                                               is controlled by these groups, nor    Muslim  brothers  and  sisters.  and disease makes all the sense
         When UN Secretary General Ban         of  attempts  at  holding  them  Firstly,  my  greetings  as  they         in  the  world.  For  others,  a  one
         Ki-Moon  spoke  of  'a  dream  of  a   accountable  by  governments  celebrate the feast of sacrifice. I         world  government,  a  one  world
         world of peace and dignity for all'   around the world."                    would have wished my greeting to     economy and a one world religion
         this is no different than when the                                          be  warmer.  My  sentiments  of      would  simply  mean  setting  the
         Communists promised the people        Another  way  that  our  planet  is   closeness in the face of tragedy -   stage for "one world tyranny".
         a 'workers paradise'.                 being 'united' is through the use     the tragedy that they suffered in
                                               of international trade agreements.    Mecca.  At  this  moment,  I  give   - Michael Snyder
         For  the  general  population,  'the   The ultimate goal is for the entire   assurances of my prayers. I unite
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