Page 8 - Good News November 2015 paper
P. 8

t  is  one  of  those  big,  untold   in  the  Hebrew  Bible  was  none
            stories: Millions of Jews have     other than Jesus of Nazareth! He
          Ibegun  a  quest  to  find  their    promptly  accepted  Christ  as  his
          Messiah.                             personal Saviour and Messiah!

          In unprecedented numbers Jews        ¦   Steve  Fenchel's  life  was
          are searching for answers to the     changed  by  the  death  of  his
          deepest  and  most  important  father. He started mixing with “the
          questions  in  life.  Some  are  wrong crowd” and slowly his life
          searching  through  the  Hebrew      began to unravel. He began to use
          Scriptures, others are reading the   drugs to escape the darkness and      from the woman she had met on        missing.
          New Testament for the first time.    depression. It was the writings of    the plane which contained one of
          They are searching on Google for     C.S.  Lewis  that  opened  Steve's    her  books  and  a  card  with  the   During  one  of  her  classes,  a
          information about the Messiah or     heart  to  Jesus.  His  friends  Scripture, “He will delight in you        student  wrote  a  paper  that
          are  watching  a  new  series  of    became  believers  in  Jesus  and     with song” (Zephaniah 3:17) - the    changed  her  life.  The  student
          videos by Jews who claim to have     through their witness he saw the      verse  of  Scripture  Diane  had     wrote  about  virtues  and  values.
          found the answers. These videos,     answer  to  his  search  for  happi-  awoken with in her mind that very    This paper was very different from
         some  of  which  have  gone  viral,   ness and meaning.                     day!  Deeply  moved,  Diane  any other she had seen written on
         were produced and posted on a                                               attended  a  service  with  her  the subject.
         new website called I Met Messiah      ¦  Growing up in a Jewish family in   believing sister, received prayer,
          (       Columbus, Ohio, where everyone        and became a believer!               Rose  ended  up  befriending  the
                                               seemed  to  be  talking  at  once,  it                                     student  and  he  shared  with  her
         ¦  Take the story of Mitch Forman     was  no  surprise  when  Diane        ¦  Growing up, Mottel Baleston's     how  his  faith  in  the  Messiah
         who grew up in a religious Jewish     Cohen became an attorney and an       only contact with Christians was     changed  him  and  gave  him
         family. He was a successful chef      active  leader  in  the  synagogue.   with  Italian  Catholics;  therefore,   meaning and fulfilment in life.
         until his wild lifestyle cost him his   Although warned by her old-world    he  pictured  Jesus  as  Italian.  He
         dream  job.  This  caused  him  to    grandmother to be careful about       was  shocked  to  discover  Jesus    After  attending  a  church  and
         spiral out of control and he felt he   Christian  antisemitism,  Diane  was  Jewish  and  the  New  Testa-       seeing a faith community that was
         was wasting his life.                 was  drawn  to  a  book  entitled,    ment was written by Jewish men.      loving  and  caring,  she  realized
                                               Rabbi  Jesus.  Reading  it  on  an                                         there  was  something  more  to
         A  Christian  girl  he  met  sparked   airplane, she struck up a conver-    When he began reading the New        Jesus  and  Christianity.  Rose
         some  jealousy  in  Mitch,  as  she   sation  with  a  Christian  woman,    Testament, he expected to find an    found  the  peace  and  fulfilment
         seemed to know more about the         herself an author.                    antisemitic  handbook,  but  was     she  was  looking  for  through  a
         Hebrew Scriptures than he did. As                                           surprised  it  began  with  a  state-  relationship with her Messiah.
         he  began  to  study  the  New  Diane next entered a difficult time         ment  about  three  Jewish  men
         Testament,  he  saw  that  it  was    when  her  marriage  of  28  years    (David, Abraham and Jesus) and       I Met Messiah is one of multiple
         mostly written by Jews and that       dissolved.  Some  time  later,  she   how  one  is  the  anticipated  evangelistic  websites  developed
         the  prophesied  coming  Messiah      received  a  package  in  the  mail   Messiah of Israel.                   by  Eitan  Bar,  a  native  Jewish
                                                                                                                          Israeli who was born and raised in
                                                                                     Mottel's life was changed when he    Tel Aviv. He has a background in
                                                                                     discovered  following  Jesus  was    multimedia  design  and  visual
                                                                                     the  most  Jewish  thing  a  person   communications,  and  holds  an
                                                                                     can do. He tapped into a powerful    MA  in  theology.  He  currently
                                                                                     truth for his Jewish people.         serves  as  director  of  Media  and
                                                                                                                          Evangelism of One for Israel.
                                                                                     ¦  Professor Rose Harrison grew
                                                                                     up during World War II and faced a   Throughout  the  world,  there  are
                                                                                     lot  of  hardships,  including  anti-  many  large  communities  of
                                                                                     semitism.  Despite  overcoming       Jewish  believers  in  Yeshua.  In
                                                                                     great odds, she felt empty. Rose     Israel,  there  are  many  commu-
                                                                                     was determined and passionate;       nities  and  home  fellowships  of
                                                                                     she went on to get a doctorate and   Messianic Jews.
                                                                                     became a College professor. But      Source:  Eitan  Bar,  Joel  News
                                                                                     still  she  felt  something  was  International 968, Nov. 2015.

          O        ns leef in 'n wêreld waar  nie.  Mense  praat  met  hulle  en  hy  het  behoefte  om  Jesus  te  "Toe raak Hy aan hulle oë en sê:
                   ons  kontak  het  met  doen gunsies vir hulle, maar daar  ervaar - hy is velhonger vir Jesus!
                                                                                                                          'Wat  julle  glo,  sal  gebeur.'"
                                                                                                                          (Matteus 9:29).
                   mense  sonder  om  fisies  is weinig aanraking.
          in hul teenwoordigheid te wees.                                            Die waarheid van hierdie stelling  "En Hy het in Betsáida gekom, en
          Ons gesels per SMS, Whatsapp,  Aanraking  is  deel  van  liefde.  is dat ek en jy Jesus se "vel" is.  hulle het 'n blinde man na Hom
          Skype en e-pos. Ons voel asof ons  Velkontak  het  'n  intense  en  Mense  het  meer  as  net  bemoe-           gebring en Hom gesmeek om hom
          goeie verhoudings handhaaf en  genesende uitwerking op 'n mens  digende woorde nodig - hulle het  aan te raak" (Markus 8:12).
          vir  'n  wyle  kan  sulke  kommu-    se siel en alle mense smag daarna.  kontak  nodig.  Dit  is  interessant
          nikasie  voldoende  wees,  maar  Los vir 'n slaggie die tegnologie.  om te sien hoeveel keer Jesus aan  Vra vir Jesus om jou te wys hoe
          dan ontdek ons 'n groot leemte:  Gaan sit by iemand, kyk hulle in  mense  geraak  het  wanneer  Hy  om mense se siele te bedien deur
          Daar  is  baie  kommunikasie,  die oë, luister na die emosie in hul  hulle bedien het. Boonop was dit  kontak  met  hulle  te  hê.  Laat
          maar geen kontak nie.                woorde en raak aan hulle. Bedien  dikwels mense aan wie niemand  hulle  Jesus  se  aanraking  deur
                                               hulle met liefde.                     wou raak nie.                        jou  ervaar.  Daar  is  niks  wat
          Ek het vir jare lank een maal per                                                                               mure vinniger afbreek as dit nie!
          week 'n bejaarde tannie besoek.  'n Vriend van my het eendag gesê  "Toe steek Jesus Sy hand uit, raak
          Sy  het  my  altyd  vertel  dat  hy  wens  Jesus  het  'n  vel  gehad  hom  aan  en  sê:  'Ek  wil.  Word  [Uit:  Vitamiene  vir  die  Siel,
          bejaarde mense velhonger raak -  sodat hy aan Hom kon raak. Hy  gesond!'  En  sy  melaatsheid  was  Riekert  &  Pippa  Botha,  Struik
          niemand  raak  meer  aan  hulle  weet Jesus is lief vir hom, maar  onmiddellik weg." (Matteus 8:3).             Christelike Media]
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